
Все материалы



1. Цифровое представление видеоданных, цветовые модели, форматы и разрешения. Первый этап сжатия видео данных.
2. Использование пространственной избыточности при кодировании. Какие методы, схема последовательных действий. Какие методы улучшения качества кодирования используются для данной модели.
3. Использование временной избыточности при кодровании. Какие методы, схема последовательных действий. Какие методы улучшения качества кодирования используются для данной модели.
4. Схема декодера видеоданных.
5. Схема енкодера видеоданных.
6. Иерархическая структура MPEG2 видео. От макроблока до заголовка последовательности (сиквенс хидера).
7. MPEG4.2, MPEG4.10. Их отличие от MPEG2.
8. Схема аудио кодека, методы сжатия аудио данных.
9. Системные потоки (програм стрим и транспорт стрим), для чего нужны, структура и синтаксис.
10. Схемы DVB, IPTV. DSP процессоры, примеры, структуры, сильные и слабые стороны по сравнению с x86 процессорами.
11. Основы стереоскопического зрения. Принципы формирования объемных
цифровых изображений. Карты глубины. 3D телевидение - основные схемы.
12. Какие параметры определяют форматы цифрового видео?
13. Назвать основные цветовые пространства и форматы, применяемые в цифровом видео.
14. Назвать временнЫе характеристики цифрового видео. В чем различие видео с прогрессивной и чересстрочной разверткой.

Visitors and travelers (business trip)

Employees of different countries usually go on business trips. Any firm chooses only best export for it. Companies can arrange such trips both in and outside the country. There are many reasons of going on business there are to make a contract, to discuss different terms of delivery, payment or shipment, to have tests, to do consultancy, to improve once professional skills, to work etc.

Represent - natives of the companies make preliminary arrangements in order to meet. Usually itinerary маршрут of the trip is carefully planned by the head of the department or an executive. A business trip can be a long term or a short term one.

Often an employee must give a financial report to the chief. As a rule businessman has a chance to go sightseeing or to visit theatres, or just have some rest after the working day. They also try to buy gifts or presents to relatives, friends and colleagues business trips contribute to extension of business relationship of a company and help to succeed in the world market.

Business today is international, so business people often have to travel. On a business trip people may meet colleagues and business partners for a first time. It is usual for colleagues from different countries to experience cultural difficulties.

 In other words, they may be surprised by foreign social conventions that is the different ways that other nationalities or different cultures do things. Management styles are also differed from country to country. In some cases it is useful to get a piece of advice from a special agency, consulting on the questions of international business.

Just like outing and traveling, business trips are also fun. Most of the businessmen called their business trips as “work under pleasure.” It may be all about work but they still have time to enjoy and relax because they are not in their four-walled offices. They can always hang around after the meeting. At night, they can visit some bars and restaurant to unwind from the pressure they had for the day. It is like having pressure for the day and pleasure for the night. But before take-off, here are some things you need to prepare.

  • On your briefcases портфели, place all the documents needed for the trip. Make sure that you are bringing the right documents. There are times that you need to present something for your co-leagues. Save the document on a CD-ROM or in your flash disk. Place them in one of the pockets of the briefcase so that it is easy for you to locate them.
  • Bring only enough things for your business trip. If your trip is only for three day, bring clothes that are good for three days. Never carry too many clothes. Remember, you are there for a business trip not for a vacation.
  • Your ticket of course. Sometimes, you get too excited with your trip that you forget your ticket. This happens all the time. You might think that you already have your ticket and all of a sudden you just remember that your assistant placed your ticket on top of your desk. So be careful on this.
  • This is very important. Prepare a contact list. This is for emergency purposes. In case something may arise, you know who to contact especially that you are in a foreign place. You also need to get any contact information of the person you will be meeting so that you can inform them if you will be late.

 Business trip are very important nowadays because face to face contracts are more valuable and useful for the matter, make a cal so in order not to spoil business people will go on traveling on business.

 Business calls

When making a business call, be sure to first identify yourself and your company. If you're routed to a receptionist or operator, also include the name of the person you're trying to reach. A simple, "Hello, this is Mary Robert from Off the Wall Productions. May I please speak with Mark Grand?" will do.

Be prepared with a one or two sentence explanation of the purpose for your call. When you are connected with the person, state the purpose of your call and then be sure to ask if you are calling at a convenient time. This is one of the most overlooked areas of phone etiquette, and allows the person you're calling the opportunity to better address your needs at a later time. Don't fib врать about how long your call will take - if you know it will take longer than five minutes, don't say, "It'll be quick." Let the person know what they are getting into at the start of the conversation.

If you get shunted to a receptionist and he or she asks why you are calling, give a concise but informative statement that can be easily relayed. Do not, however, assume that your message will be communicated; when you speak directly with the person you are trying to call, repeat your message in your own words. Don't be insulted if you're asked to leave a message or call back later - previous engagements do take priority.

Always return calls. Even if you don’t yet have an answer to the caller’s question, call and explain what you’re doing to get the requested information, or direct them to the appropriate place to get it.

If you’re going to be out, have someone pick up your calls or at a minimum, have your answering system tell the caller when you’ll be back in the office and when they can expect a call back.

When you initiate a call and get a receptionist or secretary, identify yourself and tell them the basic nature of your call. That way, you’ll be sure you’re getting the right person or department and the person you’re trying to reach will be able to pull up the appropriate information and help you more efficiently.

When you’re on the receiving end of a phone call, identify yourself and your department. Answer the phone with some enthusiasm or at least warmth, even if you ARE being interrupted, the person on the other end doesn’t know that!

Make sure your voice mail system is working properly and doesn’t tell the caller that the mailbox is full, transfer them to nowhere, or ring indefinitely. Address technical and system problems- a rude machine or system is as unacceptable as a rude person.

You don’t have to reply to obvious solicitations. If someone is calling to sell you something, you can indicate that you are not interested and hang up without losing too much time on it. However, you do need to be careful. You may be receiving a call from an insurance or long distance company that wants to hire you as a consultant! Be sure you know the nature of the call before you (politely, of course) excuse yourself.

Personalize the conversation. Many people act in electronic media (including phone, phone mail, and e-mail) the way they act in their cars. They feel since they’re not face-to-face with a person, it is perfectly acceptable to be abrupt, crass, or rude. We need to ensure that we make best use of the advantages of these media without falling headfirst into the disadvantages.

Business etiquette

Business etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people.

People are a key factor in your own and your business’ success. Many potentially worthwhile and profitable alliances have been lost because of an unintentional breach of manners.

The most important thing to remember is to be courteous and thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of the situation. Consider other people’s feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. Address conflict as situation-related, rather than person-related. Apologize when you step on toes.

Make it a point to arrive ten or fifteen minutes early and visit with people that work near you. When you’re visiting another site, linger over a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to people nearby. If you arrive early for a meeting, introduce yourself to the other participants.

 Keep notes on people. There are several “contact management” software applications that are designed for salespeople, but in business, nearly everyone is a salesperson in some capacity or another.

 Social rank or class is a cornerstone of social interaction in many cultures. The corporate climate in the United States is no exception. People tend to feel uneasy until they’ve seen an “organizational chart” or figured out who reports to whom. They feel that it is more important to show respect and practice etiquette around superiors than around peers or subordinates.

The only thing you owe your boss above and beyond what you owe peers and subordinates is more information. Unobtrusively be sure he or she knows what you’re doing, is alerted as early as possible to issues that may arise, and is aware of outcomes and milestones.

If you’re travelling on business to a foreign destination, or have visitors here, it is a good idea to learn as much as you can about the culture they are coming from and make appropriate allowances.

Items to consider:

  • Language (make an effort to learn theirs if possible, but don’t pretend to be fluent unless you have many years of study under your belt!)
  • Time zones
  • Working schedules
  • Holidays
  • Food customs (table manners, use of implements, etc.)

It can be insulting to your coworkers or clients to show a lack of concern about your appearance.

Being wrinkled , unshaven, smelly or unkempt communicates (intentionally or not) that you don’t care enough about the situation, the people or the company to present yourself respectably.

If you think a situation may call for dress slacks, wear a dress shirt and tie. If you have any inkling that a suit may be called for, dress to the nines.

Women’s clothing is a bit more complicated, but again, err on the side of conservative and dressy.

The important thing to remember is that if you strive to make the people around you feel comfortable and valued, you have succeeded whether you’re perfectly in compliance with these or any rules you’ve read.

05.07.2010 состоится защита научных работ.
нужно иметь:
1. отчет на примерно 10 страниц.
2. оценка руководителя.
3. презентация.

Слушать будет Сергей Петрович.

22.06.10, 14:02
Автор Sergey.Homyuk

экзамен по англ.яз. будет в пятницу 25.06.2010 в 12:00.

Экзамен по Elecard-у будет 30 июня (след.среда) в 9:00.

Список вопросов будет ближе к четвергу.

Экзамен будет проходить в форме беседы с Анатолием Ивановичем Попковым.

22.06.10, 13:10
Автор Sergey.Homyuk

экзамен по элекарду будет проходить в форме собеседования.
нужно определиться с датой.
следующая среда?


  • Олег Алексеевич проставил в ведомость зачеты всем, кто присутствовал. Следующий раз он будет в пн. 28 числа.
  • Алексей Михайлович так же готов проставить зачеты. Анечка хорошо о нас отзывается.
  • По отчетам о научной работе ничего не ясно. Олег Алексеевич отказался от комментариев.


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